T17 - Friends of Scouting
posted 02/05/16
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Greetings Seventeen Families, I hope everyone has settled into the new year and is now accustomed to writing 2016! I am resuming the Friends of Scouting pledge drive with this e-mail. Many thanks to the families who made their pledge at our November COH. Once the campaign is over I will turn in all pledges to the Longhorn Council. We are off to an excellent start. Our goal is not so much a dollar amount as a high percentage of family participation. I plan on contacting all the families in the troop. To make this a bit easier, I will include my e-mail address so you dont have to listen to me on the phone. Now, as many of you know, I love visiting with people. Believe me the e-mail approach will save your cell phone plan more minutes than you can imagine! The pledge card can be downloaded at http://www.troop17.net/forms/2016-FOS-Phone-Pledge-Card.pdf Take a quick look and send me an e-mail. Let me emphasize, any amount is ok, family participation is our goal. Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy message and I thank you in advance for your participation. Allen Edmonds Troop Committee Chairman 817-805-3248
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